Author: 250 Superhero

Boston Send-Off. August 6–8, 2019.

Tuesday before launch, Boston area scooterists got together for one last dinner hurray before Fred and I drove to Toronto and I was off to Europe for a few months. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, almost fine enough to change my opinion of the city. Just kidding, it...

Sob Scooterist Story. Spring 2019, Cambridge, MA.

When I landed in Boston in April, spring was stubborn to arrive. Today, New England is finally on the other end of yet another 100F/38C heat wave. Summer descended on the northeast in a furious stream of grill-outs, beach days, motorcycle rides, shop nights, and scooter rallies. My plate...

Steph Y. on That Scooter Thing!

I’m a little behind on updating, but back at Whiskey Dick in Pennsylvania I met Lee Lux of the podcast That Scooter Thing! We must have both been drunk because he invited me in for an interview. You can hear me prattling on for about an hour below. It...

Thailand Motorcycle Episodes with Anita. Jan 8 – Feb 4, 2019.

While I’m making plans for Serenity’s next adventures, Anita edited together a couple of videos of our rides together in northern Thailand! I generally reserve the blog for Vespa travels, but since Serenity was hibernating in Boston over the winter here’s a peek at what I got up to...

5 Year Road Anniversary

Significant dates in one’s life are often dictated by tradition, taking such forms as birthdays, weddings, graduations, and holidays. My special date is less conventional – and frankly I’m terrible at remembering dates at all – but when it creeps up on me I’ll always do a little something...

Where’s Steph: Winter 2018-19

Here’s my itinerary for winter 2018-19. Old Blue won’t be with me this winter, but here’s to some adventures on foot, or on borrowed/rented wheels! As always, most updated photos will appear on my Instagram, and please say hi if you find yourself in the same part of the...

Serenity: Ready for Season 2

As you may have already gathered, Old Blue is up and running again! I want to say thank you again to everyone who chipped in for her rescue, but a few special thanks to: Sean at Philadelphia Scooters, for being Sean. Pete formerly of Vespa Brooklyn but now of Revolution Moto, for being Pete....

It’s Been Quiet Around Here, But Change Is In The Air

Hello. Radio silence has almost become the new norm here, but I haven’t come to a rest. I have new travel stories, on Vespas even. Here are two bits of news, while those stories take their final form. Flickr has announced changes to their free service, with a 1000 photo...