Author: 250 Superhero

4/10 – Spring service for GTS

Eagerly picked up the Vespbatmobile after its spring service today. Got to throw my leg over a Honda CB350 while I was at the shop. I know those things are hot shit at the moment, but…what fun it could be. That, combined with the stupendous weather and my freshly spruced...

4/8 – The Roar

Bonus points if you catch the motorcycle movie reference (super bonus points if you caught the previous TV reference). And now, for a more personal expansion on the topic: Some people call it a muse. How cute. Others refer to an inner demon, or more neutrally, ‘my writing partner’. I...

4/4 – Dreaming and Drawing

I finished the last drawings for the book today! Hurray! Except there’s still the issue of making the whole thing colorful, to catch the eyes of little ones and parents. The motivational status bar I keep for myself is happy though (the top row of X’s indicates full color completed...

3/29 – From last week, breaking in scoots for CORSette

Rainy today, so just wanted to share a photo from a happy Saturday last weekend spent with Boston scooterists, breaking in a couple smallframes for CORSette with Jeskaboston. This classy cut-down belongs to Kyle, who I still feel terrible about running it dry and making him late for work....

3/28 – Onboard Technology FTW part 2

In Part 1 of onboard technology/sanity keeping devices, I got around in-helmet mic expensiveness. Today, before the rain started I ran an action test: works great! Only going to use it on boring stretches of road though; it’s not without an attention load. I’d long wanted a remote shutter...

3/27 – Onboard Technology FTW

Just tested out custom audio cables for my Nolan N-43 helmet and iPhone. I’m far too excited at the prospect of possibly conversing or commanding Siri around while I’m riding. Thanks so much to Matt for intricate wire soldering skills, and then sealing up the jack ends all neat....

3/18 – Scooter Christmas

I was paid recently, and apparently I’m having trouble controlling myself based on the number of trip-related packages arriving weekly at the door. Whoops....

3/13 – Dwellings And Doubts

Just sayin’, my bed arrangement is pretty sweet. With this lingering winter cold, it’s all down comforter and flannel linens....

The Plan(s)

It’s snowing outside, and difficult to keep my thoughts from drifting to ride planning. It feels like there are so many moving parts to manage before embarking, but in truth I think I just can’t resist tossing and turning ideas over in my head. Riding across country has been...