Ten Years.

I’m breaking blog silence to say: Today is my 10 year “Roadiversary.” TEN. YEARS. On May 5th in 2014, I left on a ride that would change the way I saw the world and shift the course my life far, far off the beaten path. With each passing anniversary,...

Down and Burnt Out in Unprecedented Times

To whoever still follows, I hope this update finds you healthy, safe, and sane enough. I realize it’s been quiet here for months; the global pandemic has affected us all in different ways. I must admit, as a professional artist, I smugly assumed I had a leg up on...

Where’s Steph: COVID Update

Strange days are here. I’m not here to repeat the news, but in light of the global pandemic I’m postponing my overland riding plans this spring. For a while, I desperately held onto hope that the outbreak would even out in time for my return flight to Europe, but...

Where’s Steph in 2020, the Year of the Rat(bike?)

Whoops, we’re already most of the way through January 2020 and I haven’t made official announcements for riding and travel?! I wish this post was more substantial, but winter threw some hard curveballs and I’m still getting my wheels back under me. Continued travel does favor a degree of...

New Continent, Who Dis. Landing in Barcelona. August 14, 2019.

A too short, cold sleep later and the Pyrenees appeared as a ripped seam in the distance. An hour before landing, an inflight entertainment program in the “Spirit of Canada” category piqued my interest: The Frozen Road. Although the cyclist and director, Ben Page, was traveling the Arctic in...

Toronto Multiple Nexus Achievement Unlocked! August 11–13, 2019.

I went back and forth on whether I wanted to truck to Toronto or make the most out of Serenity’s last miles in North America. In the end, I wasn’t so hungover I couldn’t load a scoot onto a truck bed with Fred, and trucking meant I could eke...

Trailer Queen to Who Dat? Fat Two-Stroke Weekend. August 9–11, 2019.

My last scooter rally with Serenity in North America, and she’s on a truck already?! To be fair, this is the only time I’ve ever trailered her to a rally. This is special treatment. Unfortunately, with so many blackout dates coming up in Europe I couldn’t justify taking an...