Category: updates

Scooter Holiday Cards are back!

Whether you missed them last year or simply want to grab another round, I’ve opened up my holiday card sales again. Check it out – markdowns apply, while supplies last! I promise, I’m working on catch-up posts for Alaska too....

Serenity Launches Again Tomorrow

Tomorrow is launch day. In light of my irrational panic, here’s a moment of reflection. The day I installed the Fehlings was quite slow, so once the pannier bars were installed I did something unheard of. I wiped my bike down with the attention I wiped down all the...

Gear Talk: Alaska Expedition Serenity

The launch date for Alaska is closing in, and you may notice that Serenity looks a bit different for this leg of her journey. Click on for a rundown of work done! Complete list of work done on Serenity in SF: Replaced clutch assembly (12.18.16) New drive belt (12.18.16) Replaced front...

Patreon: Creating Adventure Comics on a Vespa

It’s finally happened, I set up a Patreon page! For those unfamiliar with Patreon, it’s a internet-based platform where creators set up subscription content service. In other words, it’s a way you can help me continue making ridiculous journeys on an Italian ladies shopping bike! This blog will always...

Bridging the Gaps, the Definitive Guide to Steph Sightings in 2016

So, 2016 was a bit of a mess for the blog, and entries jumped around a bit. If you’re reading from start to finish or simply want to catch up, here’s my collection of events as they happened chronologically. From February 4th to 28th, I rode from my winter...

Where’s Steph: 2017 Winter and Spring Guide

What travels am I getting up to between Dec 2016 and May 2017? Check below for a rough approximation. As always, dates may change, and most recent activity appears on my Instagram. Projected Steph Sightings through April 2017 (probably) Dec 17-25: San Francisco, CA with Fred. Festival of Lights ride...

Here’s Looking At You, 2016

I wish I could say I kept up with posting, but 2016 was a tumultuous year for 250cc Superhero. I’m sorry to admit there was comparatively little in the way of extended two-wheeled travel for me to report. To catch up on the plot and other life happenings, click...

It’ A Scooter Christmas Story

It’s been quiet on the blog front for a while. A year-end review is in the making (hopefully), but I right now I have something else to bring to you… After all her travels across North America, my beloved Serenity has racked up quite a backlog of worn out...

Plan: Serenity Reawakens!

After the accident, I was feeling pretty down. I was in quite a bit of physical pain, and had legal followup to take care of. My freshly assembled PX lovechild was fucked, and along with it my spring riding plans (Furthest Ridden at Dogwood Classic 13 was going to...

Plan: Spring 2016 Edition of Where The Hell Is Steph Now?

Last I left you, I was undecided whether to go back east or head west after an epic two-scooterist ride to the Vegas High Rollers Rally. You may guess which way I ended up from the video, but let’s recap anyhow! February 29 – March 6: Las Vegas, NV...