Category: photojournal

Pit Stop Seattle. May 4 – 8, 2017.

It’s a straightforward ride along I-5 from Portland to Seattle, but I’d find a way to dress it up. I hustled out the door early to give myself plenty of time to meander and catch the Bremerton ferry. The skies were clear and after so much cold and dampness,...

End of a Bay Era. April 8 – 10, 2017.

Often the best stories are forged in adversity, and by that measure this is not really a great story. It is, however, a story about good times. Pete had long wanted to gather a group of scooterists to camp out, and this would be his first… and possibly last...

Dialing in Alaska from Outer Sunset. Jan 10 – April 5, 2017.

Alaska was in my sights, but it wouldn’t be ridable for months yet. On Jan 10, 2017 I landed in San Francisco from Hong Kong, solo again after a whirlwind month traveling with Fred. The weariness of jetlag shared space with the ache of separation, while gale force wind...

Bridging the Gaps, the Definitive Guide to Steph Sightings in 2016

So, 2016 was a bit of a mess for the blog, and entries jumped around a bit. If you’re reading from start to finish or simply want to catch up, here’s my collection of events as they happened chronologically. From February 4th to 28th, I rode from my winter...