10/16 – Italian Fire Drill?

~37 miles. App crashed and I missed the trip into SF. Going over the Bay Bridge, the lady at the toll booth said, “I donno how long you been riding, but stay on the sides of the road. The oil from the cars in the middle, they’ll mess ya...

10/15 – Cat Bed Head

The host cat, Lyapa, has been slowly getting more comfortable with me. The first night, she slept on her armchair. The second, I felt her curl up by my legs over the blanket. The third…well this is how I woke up this morning. An aside on bedmates: Unless it’s...

10/14 – Cafe Indulgences

Just exploring the neighborhood cafes by foot today. Lisa had a note recommending the ‘Italian croissants’ at Adesso. I’ve never had one before, which of course meant it was bakery adventure time. On the menu they’re called ‘cornetti’, with the option of plain or a filling (grape jelly? Sure!)....

Second Home Seattle, WA. August 14-24, 2014.

Of the US cities I know, my childhood hometown of Atlanta, GA was eerily foreign and familiar in the same breath. Madison, WI was comfortably recognizable after frequent visits to my sister’s. However, if there’s any city here that’s like a second home for me, it would be Seattle,...

10/13 – It’s Been A While, Music

Lisa and Erik have an upright piano, which I tooled around on and felt like a kid again – stumbling on some notes, feeling other keys intuitively. It’s been months since I’ve been in a private enough space to play music outside of earphones or helmet-phones, let alone have...

10/12 – Target of Desire

54 miles. I’m staying in Oakland for a while, exploring the neighborhood and house/catsitting for Lisa and Erik while they’re in Istanbul. Kevin drove up with me to run some errands and haul some of my stuff, and we made a pit stop at Target for something to drink....

10/11 – Fruit Break

313 miles. Lower mileage than yesterday, but they were not easy. The middle of California is like the section of Connecticut between New York City and the rest of New England; you just drive and drive. They’re The Betweenlands....

10/10 – Why Did The Tarantula Cross The Road

361 miles. It. Was. Enormous. I wonder if I would have skidded out. Going through Death Valley on the scooter felt all new. I know I must have covered some of the same roads as in the rental van (there aren’t a lot of roads out here), but I...

10/9 – My Own Devices

Took a day to rest, putter around, and catch up on internet errands. Start off at The Beat Cafe and finish with the Container Park. That’s one crazy long slide....

10/8 – Homework

66 miles. Red Rock Canyon loop, so pretty! The Commissary has been my go-to spot for wifi, snacks, and drinks, because it’s right downstairs from the Downtown Grand. Also, they do $1 tacos, a good happy hour, and the bartender doesn’t mind me cracking open my laptop....