2/3 – Coffee Across the Bridge
It occurs to me I’ve been across the Golden Gate Bridge four times now, on five different bikes (1. Serenity, 2. Lydia, 3. White Cheddar, 4. Vespa Rental, then New Blue Super for return.) This is my fifth ride across, but only the second on my own bike. I...
2/2 – The Route of it all
Route planning and other laptop tasks today. Seeing the entirety of my winding trek taking shape on a map is a bit…overwhelming. On a personal note about this trip: In the larger sense, for the first time in my life I felt like the disparate things I pursued came...
2/1 – California Hills
55 miles. Jaunt around the Redwood Regional Park and Lake Chabot with Pete on his Super. Began with brunch at Brown Sugar (the waffles… the waffles…), scouted a campground along the way, and ended with the one place I could think of without TV screens on Superbowl Sunday: Heinold’s First and...
1/31 – One Last City Climb
Snuck in one final climb with Dmitry before my Planet Granite membership runs out. This time, we met in San Francisco. The weather was warm, the climbs were long, and the view from the top faced the bay....
Gear Talk: Icon Pursuit Touchscreen Women’s Gloves from Motorcycle House
A while back, I was contacted by Motorcycle House to review one of their products. The Icon Pursuit Touchscreen Women’s Gloves caught my eye, and I can honestly say they are my new favorite go-to gloves for everyday riding. I admit, I don’t look for fanciness in gloves. Simple. Sturdy. Protective. I’d...
1/30 – Scooterist’s Physique
Blogging about blogging. I need to get out more. Working on that much desired ‘scooterist’s physique.’ You know, a little extra cushioning in the bum region for those rough roads, a bit more weight to help stabilize an otherwise flyweight bike. You know what I’m talking about. The cornetti...
1/29 – Serenity is Back!
My bike is back from the shop! Pete delivered it to Oakland, the only thing left to do was switch out my accessories. After dinner, of course. While sporting some sharp attire. They are Vespas, after all. With all the work the Vespa SF shop put into her, she practically rides...
Where Do I Find A Damn Banana, and Death Valley. Oct 4 – 11, 2014.
Picking up where we left off, I’d arrived just in time for the last night of the Las Vegas Bike Fest. My friends, Sash and Steve, already had a room at the Downtown Grand – it was going to be Motorcycle Camp again, but ritzier! They’d been working all week, so it was time...
1/28 – This Is How I Look Every Day
Oh this? This is just how I look every day (insert helmet hair toss). No, really, I kind of don’t have other clothes with me, unless they’re borrowed. Thanks, Trader Joe register dude. Would it be disappointing if I walk out to my scooter now…...
1/27 – I’ve got a kitchen and I’m not afraid to use it
Ahoy, Oakland! I’ll be here till Feb 2, chillin’ with feline company. The best kitchens are like living, breathing ecosystems, fluctuating with seasons, locale, and the evolving tastes of their keepers. Lisa and Erik are just the people to keep such a cozy, comfortable kitchen. The last time I...