4/28 – Leaving My Shell

Back at the Handbuilt show, I met Fritz when he was taking photos of my Vespa. He invited me to dinner with his Tuesday night Euro rider group. It was a chilly night for Houston, but I always feel better after a ride, and had a great night hanging...

4/27 – A Yue Clearlake Tradition

As a kid, after dinner we would go for a drive around Clearlake and count how many deer were on campus. Tonight, after all-you-can-eat-shrimp at Bubba’s (holy shit, Texas) we counted nearly 30. Before this trip, sighting wildlife at all was a rare and fleeting thing – bears, deer,...

California One. Jan 24 – Feb 17, 2015.

Welcome to the last installment of the Bay Area posts. In total, I will have been bouncing around this motorcycle paradise for about five (5!) months. I recall the locals referring to ‘a storm’ one evening, in California winter. The air was buzzing with a need to buy milk...

4/26 – Crawfish Keeps Giving

It’s crawfish season, and our little Houston family had a boil at home. Today being Sunday, the leftovers made for a lovely brunch omelette with some spinach and bell peppers. My uncle remarked, “It’s made with egg whites? So healthy. What happened to the yolks?” Auntie: “Pudding.” Priorities here....

Vespas in Fog City. Jan 4 – 23, 2015.

Mostly local riding for this portion again, just bouncing around San Francisco. Actually, this month probably saw the least riding of my own bike – it was in the Vespa SF shop for the shorter end of an eternity. I was riding everyone else’s bike, including a branded Boomchickapop Vespa for a few days! Paid to ride,...

4/23 – Wonton and Ping Pong Night

In what may be the most Asian thing I’ve done in a while, I followed my uncle and aunt to play table tennis with their usual Thursday night crew, after a dinner of dumplings. I haven’t played since middle school!...

4/22 – Wednesday

Moving along. I had a Black Books kind of moment, when I decided I needed to leave the house and scoot for a bit (always a mood booster) but didn’t know where to go. I ended up at the nearest pub. And kept drawing....

4/21 – Moto Movie Night

The reason the US is either awesome, or like a stoned kid: the mixing of cultures means you get meals along the lines of spaghetti, fried in Chinese noodle style with mushrooms and chicken, combined with some leftover BBQ. Top with Sriracha (optional). Meanwhile, my uncle was dining on...