11/3 – Lunch with Lisa
A chill day in Oakland, cat sitting another cat. Lisa fixed a delicious lunch and we sat in her sunny apartment working quietly through the afternoon. Except for those kneadable erasers, they were having a crazy party....
11/2 – Goaty Roads
224 miles. Whoops I forgot to write the location here. Rod and I met up with Joel to ride some “goaty roads” (as he described them) and part of CA-128. The leaves were changing and we hit plenty of twisties. A fantastic day indeed....
11/1 – Trying on Bikes
123 miles. Met up with Peter to poke around the IMS. Alas, the bikes I had interest in did not have a demo fleet. Many drool-worthy motos, though. It was amazing to be able to “try on” so many bikes back to back; you get an immediate sense of...
10/31 – What is this, weather?
It feels like forever since I’ve been riding in rain. I’d nearly come to believe California doesn’t experience weather at all....
Craters, Mountains, and Giants. Aug 29 – Sept 2, 2014.
By the looks of this map, I’m making tracks. I suppose after the easy idleness of Seattle and Portland, I was ready to cover some distance. In this installment: Crater Lake, the Oregon coast, the beginning of the Pacific Coast Highway, a left turn for Sequoias, and twisty twisties....
10/30 – Insomnia and the Indoor Life
Perhaps my sleep patterns are disrupted by so much indoor time? Is it possible that I need to *gasp* go camping again? In the meantime, I’ll binge watch Anthony Bourdain’s series, Parts Unknown....
10/29 – Better Now
Even through strip malls in the urban sprawl of San Jose, I feel better after riding. Often, I deliberately plan longer routes....
10/28 – Taco Troubles
Fine motor skills faded by climbing, or is taco shrapnel just inevitable? I found a taqueria in a cozy Mexican grocery just a couple miles from Planet Granite for a perfect post-climb fix (just be sure to lean way over the box to eat all the pieces that fall...
10/27 – It’s my birthday and I’ll ride if I want to
As of today, I’ve survived 30 revolutions of the earth around the sun. I was asked often what I had planned for this supposedly special day. I guess I spend most of my time trying to be involved with awesome, fun, engaging people and activities that this one day...
10/26 – Can’t Have Too Much Chalk
Trapeze class at Circus Center San Francisco. What a rush!...