1/26 – Decompress

Between several changing of households, visitors, relationships, being sick, various jobs, and multiple bikes, I feel like I’ve been running at a sprint since Christmas. All excellent and fun (except for the sickness), but today is the first in a long while for just…decompression. Not necessarily doing nothing, more...

1/25 – Scooter Bar

Cotillion birthday party today for pups Madi and Winslow. I’m responsible for getting the party smashed with two pre-mixed cocktails. I sort of wish I could ride across the US with a pop-up bar setup on the back. This Pelican case is already proving awesome. Also, thank you so...

1/24 – Street Belongs to Redwoods

I followed Pete to a morning motorcycle lesson he was giving today. On the way, we drove along this quiet residential street, punctured by Redwood growth. California has some incredible things just sort of tucked away....

1/23 – Moving Day

GTS is still in the shop, so more miles are being put on Pete’s Super. I’ve been noticing a distinct smell from the new engine cooling down, I kind of enjoy it. Word is that it’s vaporized oil (new fragrance, anyone? No?). Today marks the last Friday climb and...

1/22 – Skyline Blvd Says Hi

It’s been a bit crazy in my world lately, as I begin prepping for the ride back east. I rolled into Vespa SF today to check on my bike (and say hi to Pete), just in time to meet Piaggio corporate in town for a visit. My fingers were...

1/21 – All The Boxes

Remind me never to accumulate stuff again, mm’kay? While my GTS is in the Vespa SF shop for the week having its epic service (crazy amounts of thanks, Tom and Mark!), Pete let me borrow his 300 to run errands back in SJ and help put on some break...

1/20 – Shop Guys FTW

Just doing a bit of mod to Pete’s bike. The 2015 GTSes have a USB port in the glove compartment. With a bit of drilling, this can power a RAM mounted phone for GPS navigation. Basically, a more elegant version of my homebrew 12v outlet installation (mine also has...

1/19 – Stretch Break

78 miles. My scoot’s been left in the capable hands of the Vespa SF shop for service, so I’m borrowing Pete’s Triumph Bonneville again. This time, we took a little joyride to Point Reyes Station. That Bonnie is an absolute thrill, like straddling an airplane flying down the road,...

1/18 – Pelican is Go

Borrowing Pete and Vespa SF‘s shop for a little project. Waiting for the layer of Rustoleum to dry, and new Pelican topcase is go!...

1/17 – Edwardian Scoot

Thanks to Moni and Kendall for costuming bits! I do say, it’s surprisingly not uncomfortable riding side saddle in a corset. Also, did you know a full sized top hat fits under the seat of a GTS? Edwardian Ball, ho....