Deck The Halls With Gasoline. Dec 7, 2014 – Jan 3, 2015.

Apologies in advance; this post doesn’t have much in the way of travel. My holiday months in the Bay would be mostly work, hanging out with family, friends, and food. Not that it’s a bad thing, just a warning that there will be food porn close ups. The Vespa SF ride...

4/19 – Briny Happy Hour

Growing up, every time I visited my uncle and aunt in Houston we would take a trip to Galveston. Wandering the familiar-yet-not-familiar streets, I’m reminded why I’m so fond of them – they’re a laid back couple, active socially and physically, and (like a good Chinese) enjoy a love...

4/18 – Ultimate Comfort Food

Dinner with Chinese neighborhood friends, and I was greeted with an unexpected joy: the sweetest, smoothest, tastiest homemade congee. A commonplace rice porridge dish, this one was flavored with conch, scallop, abalone, chicken, and memories of a home I don’t have. It wrapped me like a hug (and I...

4/17 – Timing is Everything

190 miles. Farewell hugs with Jake and Dani and new friends over Bacon brunch. This town seems to have 2.2 food trucks, craft cocktail bars, BBQ joints, and fusion restaurants for every city resident. It was hard to leave, but it’s only a day’s ride away…I’m planning my return...

4/16 – Working in Austin

Amazingly, timing worked out as far as word from the editors. It’s nose to the grindstone soon, just in time to go to Houston....

4/15 – Hanging Out

New rear tire (shipped courtesy of Vespa SF, thank you!) went on today while I entertained myself browsing the cool bikes at AF1 Racing. They also topped off the oil, filled the gas tank, and cleaned my bike. Is everyone so friendly around here? So much thanks! So shiny!...

4/14 – Travelers of Mount Bonnell

I followed Jack for a sunset ride to Mount Bonnell and Barton Springs. He’s a traveller like me, but has been waylaid in Austin for months healing from a BMX injury. We met two other travelers and watched the sunset together. I’m a bit sunburnt....

4/13 – Undoing the Wall

I stuck around to lend a hand breaking down the Wall of Death. There were many hands helping, but it was pretty amazing to get to see the whole thing deconstruct and fit onto the bed of a truck. Jack and I met up later to see the swarming...

4/12 – Small Amusements

After the Handbuilt Motorcycle Show wrapped up, new friend Jack and I headed to Revival Cycles’ afterparty. It’s a veritable playground of machinery, motorcycle art, museum quality pieces, custom work, and bikes bikes and more bikes. Maybe it’s my dad’s influence as a teacher, but I took special delight in...