5/8 – Debbie’s Motorcycle Library

Kristen and I rode back to San Antonio from Austin in the wee hours. I wouldn’t have attempted it on my own, but having a good riding partner can really make little things awesome, and even increase my endurance. We arrived back in town around 4am. There was an...

5/7 – Lake Austin

225 miles. Made it up to Austin for a hot second, for a scooterist birthday gathering. When the party dispersed, I swapped bikes with Josh. His GTS is tricked out with all manner of performance upgrades, what a beast! Along the way, Debbie, Ozzy and I got to meet...

5/6 – Ride to BBQ

86 miles. Cooper’s BBQ is a palace to smoked meat. At the self-serve sides station, I wasn’t sure if the pot of orange-red substance was soup or sauce. It’s a delicious, tangy BBQ sauce, so tasty that I could drink it. So I’ve taken to calling it Texas Tomato...

5/5 – Breaking in the New Front Tire

It had been threatening to storm all week, and I finally got caught in it pretty bad. After a chill day spent with Kristen while the Motorcycle Shop put on my new front tire and checked the valves, the sky opened up. I was soaked by the time I...

5/4 – Mooooove

266 miles. Armed with a Butler map annotated by post-its from Debbie, Kristen met me to ride around hill country. We rode two of the three sisters, and our only company on the road were cows. It drizzled on and off, but seriously? I could do this all day....

5/3 – Gotta Gymkhana

83 miles. Lovely slow rides on the back roads around San Antonio. The Spring Fling held by the Motorcycle Shop had all the activities of a rally – a group ride, games, live music, food, drink, raffle, and hanging out with scootery types – crammed into a single day. Fun...

5/2 – Riverwalk

280 miles. Met up with Oog (DOUBLE-O G) and Gwenda in San Antonio for dinner and drinks and a spin on their Mexican Super Cubs! Eventually found my way to Debbie’s, gracious overnight host and all around cool person....

5/1 – Boardwalk Bullet

Uncle Bun, Auntie Chloris and I went to Kemah for his birthday. I couldn’t ignore the wooden roller coaster dominating the amusement park skyline, though they were content to sit at sea level....

4/30 – Am I Done?

Some days are more exciting than others. Book illustrations are nearing completion! More table tennis was played tonight, after dumplings, of course....

4/29 – Uncle and Auntie Being Cute

Pre-birthday birthday dinner with the table tennis friends for my uncle. Chinese dinners, which are already not to be underestimated, seem extra super-sized in Texas. I don’t generally seek out Chinese food (spoiled by home cooking), but I wouldn’t have guessed Houston would be where I eat so much...