5/18 – Waterproof Boots

166 miles. It’s true, you can’t go wrong with any of the roads around here. Chris has an interest in defunct amusement parks. The day before, we explored the Dogpatch. Today, we went to see the dinosaurs of Land of Kong. Other stops include Beaver Bridge, the Arkansas Adventure...

5/17 – R&R at Cliff House

137 miles. Rain showers put a dampener on the morning, (get it?) but Chris had made a reservation at the Cliff House Inn where a soft bed and hot shower was waiting. Thank you Chris! Bonus, he’s patient enough to follow me on his Triumph Tiger around the hills...

5/16 – Don’t Flood Here!

287 miles. Woke to news reports of tornado warnings. Somehow, I managed to miss the rain on the way to Byrd’s Adventure Center for SLAP. Huge thank you to Chris (-Chris-) for inviting me to the ADV rally, and to Ralph for sponsoring my ticket! It was fantastic meeting...

5/15 – Wayne & Cheryl’s Favorite Spot

336 miles. As always, it feels good to be on the road again. At the 2RideTheWorld presentation, Simon mentioned, “When I sit on my bike, I know who I am.” That pretty much sums it up for me as well. I took some back roads into Arkansas, muddy unpainted...

5/14 – Embracing the Unknown

A more metaphorical drawing today.That, or I found some crazy Alice in Wonderland type potions. 68 miles. On packing and planning: When embarking on a trip from a place of security, I tend to go crazy trying to predict and plan for every possibility. I wish I could flip...

5/13 – Here’s to Flood Friends

Spent the morning drying out as much as I could on my scooter, and starting her up again. Thanks immensely for consulting via text: Larry, and Tom via Pete. It was an anxious morning, but the scoot seems unharmed. I met up with Lisa, stranded under the same awning...

5/12 – Not Amphibious

87 miles. HUGE thank you, Larry and MPH, for letting me borrow your shop to work on my bike today! Of course, after I did maintenance service on the scoot, I hit a violent storm with only 3 miles till home. Cars were stuck in floodwaters, hazard lights blinked...

5/11 – Tour of Rice University

The house is pretty large and empty with just me in it, I’ve been spoiled by family meals. Trying to focus and get some paying work done. Finally caught up with Troy (troyfromtexas on ADV) before he’s off on a bicycle trip in Cuba! Fantastic time talking travel and...

5/10 – Family Facetime

While my uncle and aunt were packing for their trip, I was unpacking the multiple packages that arrived with supplies and parts from San Francisco (thanks, Pete!) and Providence (thanks, Tim!). Happy mother’s day!...

5/9 – Beery Break

279 miles. That stretch between Austin/San Antonio and Houston kills me. A beer tasting helped my mood (just a taste!). I was sad to leave Debbie’s Home For Wayward Two-Wheelers after a weeklong stay, but I wanted to see my uncle and aunt again before they leave for Hong...