Gear Talk: What’s in the Cooler?
The title sounds banal, but I’ve always been interested in how others pack for long hauls on the road. So, I’m thinking this will be a series of posts on just gear and road logistics. Hopefully it will be useful for reference or something. Back in Athens, GA, I...
3/28 – Onboard Technology FTW part 2
In Part 1 of onboard technology/sanity keeping devices, I got around in-helmet mic expensiveness. Today, before the rain started I ran an action test: works great! Only going to use it on boring stretches of road though; it’s not without an attention load. I’d long wanted a remote shutter...
3/27 – Onboard Technology FTW
Just tested out custom audio cables for my Nolan N-43 helmet and iPhone. I’m far too excited at the prospect of possibly conversing or commanding Siri around while I’m riding. Thanks so much to Matt for intricate wire soldering skills, and then sealing up the jack ends all neat....