Plan: Serenity goes to Spain and Portugal 2019, Steph goes to Hong Kong into 2020

Four is too many bikes in one place, so I’m throwing one across the pond!
After several years of deliberation, Old Blue is going to see her roots in Europe. I’ve booked one-way pallet space with Motorcycle Express, green card insurance and travelers insurance, and got my mobile studio setup ready. Fingers crossed, my bike and I will share the same plane from Toronto to Barcelona, and on the morning of August 14th, I’ll ride out of the airport to spend the next 2 months in Spain and Portugal.
If you’re in New England and would like to wish Serenity godspeed, we’ll be at a few scooter rallies before we go. Her last hurrah on the North American continent will be at Who Dat Fat Two Stroke Weekend, hosted by the cool Buffalo folks!
Check it out.
Cambridge, MA → New England destinations
Most of July: Working from Cambridge, MA studio and garage. All dates in between rallies are based from Cambridge.
Jul 12 – 14: Nantucket, MA. “There once was a man…” Anyhow, I’ve never been to this island, now I can visit with friends!
Jul 20 – 21: Ski’s Camp Out. Technically not a rally, but should be fun. Alas, last minute bike work meant I did not have the energy to make it to Ski’s. Next year!
Jul 26 – 28: New England Rally.
Cambridge, MA → Toronto, ON
Aug 9 – 11: Who Dat? Fat Two Stroke Weekend. Fred and I truck to one last scooter rally in North America. What a sendoff!
Aug 11 – 12: Toronto, ON. My bike needs to be dropped off at the Toronto Pearson International Airport 24 hours before departure.
Aug 13: Fly to Barcelona! Fred returns to Boston until a later date.
Barcelona, Spain → Lisbon, Portugal (~2 months)
Aug 13 – 21: Barcelona, Spain. Take me to the wine and hams and manchegos and tortillas (and I’ll get some work done too). (8 days)
Aug 22 – 31: Between Barcelona and Lisbon. Maybe Madrid, maybe the northern coast. TBD. (10 days)
Lisbon and Surrounding Regions
Sep 1 – Oct 7: Lisbon, Portugal and anywhere a 3-ish-day roundtrip away. Gotta hand in book work! (37 days)
**Oct 8: Serenity goes into storage.**
Oct 8 – 19: Vacation on a tour bus with family in Portugal.
I am looking for affordable motorcycle storage in Lisbon for 5-6 months!
Lisbon, Portugal → Cambridge, MA → Hong Kong, SAR

Oct 20 – Nov 1: Cambridge, MA. Flying back to see Fred and friends, and celebrate my birthday.
Nov 2 – ??: Hong Kong. My sister has her Asian-side wedding reception, and hopefully, Fred can join me for a Japan excursion or a return to Chiang Mai.
I’ll finish up my first graphic novel in Hong Kong and ring in the new year with my family in Asia.
Spring of 2020 should see a return to Portugal to pick up where I left off, continue work on my second graphic novel, and (slowly) explore a new continent with Serenity.
As always, please say Hi if you’re in the area!
I hope you’ll have time for a pre-flight maple cappuccino and maybe a crepe (or 4) while in Toronto …
For sure! Let’s stay in touch.
I know that your trip was exciting and I can easily understand that it was not your last journey. Keep it up! Share more!