It’ A Scooter Christmas Story

It’s been quiet on the blog front for a while. A year-end review is in the making (hopefully), but I right now I have something else to bring to you…
After all her travels across North America, my beloved Serenity has racked up quite a backlog of worn out parts – more than I can replace with what I have right now. I’ll be seeing her in San Francisco this winter, with hopes of working on her and replacing as much as I can.
To that end, I’m holding a bit of a fundraiser for parts (and gear). Check out this page for information on cards or art that you can buy for the holiday season, and help me continue traveling with Serenity in 2017! I’d like to make my way west by December 10, which leaves plenty of time for items to arrive by Christmas. I rescued some stock from storage for my old website store so that’s back online too, if you’d like some relics.
Thank you for following along, and I hope winter finds you and your bikes safely tucked away, or riding somewhere warm!